EQUILÍBRIO PROTEÇÃO FLORESTAL’s, a service provider for the forestry sector, bases the continuous improvement of the quality of its products and services on maintaining the satisfaction of its clients and, as a consequence, the solidification of its business and the professional fulfillment of its partners and employees, based on:
- Meeting legal requirements and the needs of its clients.
- Updating, adapting and standardizing forest monitoring technology in a process of continuous improvement.
- Training employees to work efficiently in the processes carried out.
- Self-monitoring and evaluation of quality and customer satisfaction.
EQUILÍBRIO PROTEÇÃO FLORESTAL’s principle is that the health and safety of all those directly and indirectly involved in the work it carries out is above any other aspect of interest to the company or its employees. Its main objective is to eliminate or minimize health and safety risks by:
- Striving for continuous improvement in Health and Safety Management.
- Compliance with the requirements of current health and safety legislation applied to the company and other regulations adopted, with a view to meeting the standards required by clients and internal measures aimed at continuous improvement.
- Identifying, analyzing and controlling the health and safety risks of each activity, with the involvement of those involved.
- Raising awareness among managers and employees of health and safety standards and individual responsibilities, seeking the commitment of all.
EQUILÍBRIO PROTEÇÃO FLORESTAL’s, in its role as a collaborator with the forestry sector to maintain sustainable development and environmental stability, is committed to seeking the elimination or minimization of negative environmental impacts by:
- Seeking continuous improvement in its actions and recommendations, in forest protection operations in its clients’ areas, highlighting the control of plantation pests and diseases.
- Compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation applied to the company and other procedures adopted, with a view to meeting the standards required by clients and internal measures aimed at continuous improvement.
- Prior assessment of the environmental aspects and impacts resulting from its activities, products and services, adopting alternative materials and methods that are more appropriate for maintaining environmental stability.
- Raising awareness among managers and employees of environmental aspects and individual responsibilities, seeking commitment from everyone.